Second language acquisition (linguistics, applied linguistics)


Subtopic: Spanish linguistic challenges and practice in the U.S.
Subtopic: Spanish for heritage learners.


  1. Alim S, Rickford J & Ball A. Raciolinguistics: How language shapes our ideas about race. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  2. Escobar AM, Potowski K. El español de los Estados Unidos. Cambridge University Press. 2015.
  3. Ghaddar S, Ronnau J, Saladin SP, Martínez G. Innovative Approaches to Promote a Culturally Competent, Diverse Health Care Workforce in an Institution Serving Hispanic Students. Acad Med. 2013;88(12): 1870-6.
  4. Martínez G, Rivera-Mills S, Trujillo JA. Medical Spanish for heritage learners: A prescription to improve the health of Spanish speaking communities. Building Communities and Making Connections. 2010 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Cambridge Scholars Publishing:2–15.
  5. Ortega L, Iberri-Shea G. Longitudinal Research in Second Language Acquisition: Recent Trends and Future Directions. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 2005. 25, 26-45.